Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pagosa Springs

We try each summer to stop by Pagosa for a quick visit with my cousins.  Bill and Carolyn built this home as a summer get away to escape the heat of Dallas.  Bill's sister Jan, and her husband Dell, from Hideaway Lake, Texas were able to join us also.  We always have a great time, golfing, jeeping, shooting or whatever.

"Pagosa Pancakes", courtesy of Dell.  Yummy!

We didn't get any pictures shooting or golfing but did take these while jeeping in the Wolf Creek area -- over 11,000+ ft. altitude!

As many of you know, our family tries to get together for a Jakes family outing about once a month.  We had been gone for 3 and a half months so the kids insisted on getting together the evening we returned home.  Nothing big, just a get together at Chris and Bill's.  We didn't get pictures of everyone but they were all there.

At left is Chris and Bill's oldest, Stephanie and her boyfriend Anthony.  At the right is the "Golden Child"-- Rod, so named by his sisters; Bobby, Amy's husband and Bill and Chris's youngest daughter Alyssa; and of course below was the headliner Bella, our first great grandchild.

The Wedding

We stayed at camp a couple of weeks longer than normal in order to attend "the wedding".  It joined a couple with deep Ponderosa connections and took place on the Ponderosa campus.  The groom is the son of our chef, who performed the ceremony, and his wife who serves as the office manager. The bride was previously employed at Ponderosa prior to graduating from the police academy last year.  The wedding was beautiful!  Nancy and I were part of the golf cart squad to transport guests from one end of the campus to the other so we were not able to take the pictures that we would have liked.  However, this will give you a flair of the event.

It was a large wedding with 8 attendants.  Sorry that I didn't get in all of the gals.   Note that guests are sitting on hay bales.  On right, the bride and groom make their way from the carriage into the Allison pavilion for their reception.

The campus covers 650 acres -- the wedding took place at one end and the reception at the other.  The wedding party was transported to the various events via a hay wagon.  Here they are arriving at the Allison pavillon for the reception.  The bed of the restored truck at the right was used for the wedding gifts.

The next day, after experiencing a wonderful summer, we left Ponderosa to head toward home.